
Without Sonic Events:  All you get is confusing codes that you have to decipher.

With Sonic Events:  The machine speaks!

A new feature to make your control announce machine events out loud.

(Sometimes it is nice to have someone talking back to you!)


Features include:


Let your machine finally speak its mind!


Terms, Conditions, and Install Instructions

Product listed does not include installation, which may be quoted separately.  Call for end user pricing and reseller discounts.  Requires OpenCNC machine control 6.0 or later with all hardware and software components, plus one spare PCI slot.  Installation process includes:   1) sound card installation in PC;   2) mounting of speakers;   3) installation of sound card driver;  4) installation of SonicEvents from install wizard;   5) modification men file;   6) addition of 2 variables to Isagraf;   7) cut & paste of our sample logic to wherever desired in Isagraf;   8) recording of custom .wav files.      Software must be pre-registered including machine type and serial number.

S3, service, Service, SERVICE!


Copyright 2001, Ampion Corp

OpenCNC is a trademark of Manufacturing Data Systems Inc.