PalletQ62 INSTRUCTIONS TO OPENCNC INTEGRATOR: 2002-12-05 1MN AMPION Corp USA 248-435-2200 Copyright 2001, All rights reserved. BEFORE THE .exe FILE CAN BE COMPILED. . . This file is provided as a guide for the integrator on how to apply this program. Please fill in the values asked for ON THIS FILE, then save it, and send back to the VB application engineer as instructed in the text below. HINT: Search for keyword INSERT to find the values that you have to fill in. We require that all software is pre-registered. Please provide the following information to the VB application engineer. . . (fill in where prompted) 1) INSERT End user company name: 2) INSERT End user full address: 3) INSERT Machine Description: 4) Machine serial number: 5) Machine ID used by OpenCNC in the .ost file, shortcut, etc: We require certain tech info that is hard-coded. Please provide the following information to the VB application engineer. . . (fill in where prompted and overwrite the table shown) 1) Insert machine ID# that will be used in the .ost and .men files: 2) Insert the total number of pallets used: 3) Insert values for each pallet as shown in this example table: INSERT INSERT Man-readable Isagraf (starting with Pallet Name Numeric Value 0 first) ------------- ------------- 1 0 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 When the above info has been filled in, send this file to the Ampion VB application engineer so that we may comple your .exe file. AFTER YOU RECEIVE THE .exe FILE AND OTHER RUNTIME FILES. . . If a VB installation shield is provided, simply run that setup file to install PalletQ62 on the machine's PC . . OR ELSE . . Create a new directory as c:\Program Files\PalletQ62 Copy the runtime files into this new directory. In your .men file add a line to run PalletQ62 following this example format. . . 0:PalletQ:"C:\Program Files\PalletQ62\PalletQ62.exe":mid=2727 jsid=0 # Start PalletQ ** NOTE: Make sure to change the mid value to the correct Machine ID! ** NOTE: It is not recommended that you use the job file loader utility with palletQ installed. In your Isagraf application, add the following variables to the dio application. . . (all are integers) palletQLdFile comment: Flag to tell palletQ to load next set of files. palletQPalReq comment: Instruction from palletQ on which pallet PLC should load on machine. palletQChgPal comment: Indicator from palletQ on whether file loads completed. USAGE IN YOUR LOGIC. . . When you want to perform a pallet change, take the following steps. . . 1) Wait until all motion stops, correct conditions are met and WHEN IT IS SAFE TO DO SO, put the machine into jog mode by setting mRunMode := 0; NOTE: You may need to disable parts of the .gen screen so the operator does not accidentally intervene during this (very quick) moment in jog mode. 2) Reset the variable that tells Isagraf that palletQ is finished by setting palletQChgPal := 0; 3) Set the variable that flags PalletQ to load the next set of files by setting palletQLdFile := 1; 4) If palletQLdFile does not flip back to 0, then this is an indication that palletQ is not running. Timeout after 500ms. If it goes back to 0 then proceed. 5) Wait for a response from palletQ by watching for a value change in palletQChgPal. . . Indications: If palletQChgPal = 0 then we are still waiting for a response (time out after 6 seconds). Perform error processing. If palletQChgPal = 1 then the macro calls succeeded. If palletQChgPal = 2 then the macro calls failed. Perform error processing. If palletQChgPal = 3 then PalletQ failed by timing out, which probably indicates one of the files did not load or was invalid. If palletQChgPal = 4 then PalletQ just does not have any pallets queued. 6) palletQ will have now set the value of palletQPalReq, telling Isagraf which physical pallet it wants to change to. (Process if same one that is already loaded?) 7) Put the machine back into auto mode by setting. . . mRunMode := 1; 8) Perform the PLC functions needed to change to the pallet as specified by palletQPalReq IMPORTANT TROUBLESHOOTING NOTE: PalletQ will not run if the palletQ62.vars file is not present or valid. This is the file that stores the current file names for each pallet and other info. A blank version is provided under palletQ62.vars.blank in case the original becomes corrupted. Copy palletQ62.vars.blank and overwrite palletQ62.vars to start over fresh.