* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Table of Contents Section 1 Instructions for OpenCNC Integration ……………………………..2 Section 2 1A-HHT62 Maintenance Viewer ………………………………...….11 Section 3 1A-HHT62 Operator Manual ………………………………………..15 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Section 1 1A-HHT62 INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPENCNC INTEGRATION: 2006-03-15 1MN S3, service, Service, SERVICE! USA 248-765-3836 www.s3cncService.com Copyright 2004, All rights reserved. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BEFORE THE .exe FILE CAN BE COMPILED. . . This file is provided as a guide for the OpenCNC integrator on how to install the 1A-HHT Hand Held Terminal and its associated controller program. We require that all software is pre-registered. Please provide the following information to the S3 application engineer. . . 1) End user company name: 2) End user full address: 3) Machine Description: 4) Machine Serial Number: 5) Machine ID# that will be used in the .ost, shortcut, and SEV config files: When the above info has been filled in, save it, and send this file back to the S3 application engineer. Your exe file will be compiled and sent to you. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * External Connections for Customer's Use: E-Stop1 = Terminal Block Pin 4 (rated for 24Vdc max only) E-Stop2 = Terminal Block Pin 7 (rated for 24Vdc max only) +5Vdc = Terminal Block Pin 9 DC common = Terminal Block Pin 5 WIRING DIAGRAM (not viewable in 'text only' type doc) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AFTER YOU RECEIVE THE .exe FILE AND OTHER RUNTIME FILES. . . If an install shield is provided, simply run that setup file. . OR ELSE. . Create a new directory as c:\Program Files\1A-HHT62\ Copy the runtime files into this new directory. In your .men file add a line to run the HHT following this example format. . . 0:HHT:"C:\Program Files\1A-HHT62\1A-HHT62.exe":mid=4533 jsid=0 ** NOTE: Make sure to change the mid value to the correct Machine ID instead of 4533 shown above! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WHAT THE 1A-HHT UNIT & PROGRAM DOES: The 1A-HHT unit communicates over a standard RS-232 serial port for both sending (for key presses) and receiving (for LCD display and LED's). The 1A-HHT62 program manages the serial port, monitors OpenCNC variables, changes OpenCNC variables on the fly and sends commands to the message application. The 1A-HHT62 program works in a very similar manner to the gen screen program. Upon starting OpenCNC, the 1A-HHT62 program reads OpenCNC variables to obtain information about which axes are present with valid settings, and which axes are rotaries. Communication between the 1A-HHT unit and the 1A-HHT62 program is not important in reference to machine integration, and therefore is not detailed here. The outline below regards how the 1A-HHT62 program talks to OpenCNC. Note: This assumes that the serial port, 1A-HHT hardware, and OpenCNC connection, are all working properly as well as the HHT On/Off state is ON. Key Press Effect on OpenCNC --------- --------------------------------- HHT On/Off If HHT is ON and HHT is in any active jog mode, then axJogRate[0-9] are set to 0. If HHT is ON and plcJogType = 5, then plcJogType set to 0 Option Stop If mOptionalStop = 0, then set to 1. Otherwise (including value of 2) mOptionalStop set to 0. Block Delete Toggles mBlockDeleteReq EndBlk Stop Toggles mSingleBlockOn Cycle Start Sends a command to the message application: 3,3 (DIOM_USER,DIOU_CYCLESTART) Aux 1 Sends a command to the message application: 3, 61 (DIOM_USER, 61) Cycle Stop Sends a command to the message application: 3, 60 (DIOM_USER, 60) Feed Hold Sends a command to the message application: 3, 4 (DIOM_USER, DIOU_FEEDHOLD) Axis Select Toggles thru the available axes and updates hhtActiveAxis Aux 2 Sends a command to the message application: 3, 62 (DIOM_USER, 62) FRO Incr If jsPctFeedOvRide[0] < 200 then adds 5 to jsPctFeedOvRide FRO Zero Sets jsPctFeedOvRide[0] to 0 Jog + If in JOG:Cont, repeatedly sets hhtOutMdsiJog to 1 while button held. When released, sets hhtOutMdsiJog to 0 and axJogRate[0-9] to 0. If in JOG:Incr, then sends a command to the message application: 2, 3, 2, activeAxis (DIOM_SYSTEM, DIOS_JOG, plus direction, activeAxis) Aux 3 Sends a command to the message application: 3, 63 (DIOM_USER, 63) RpdOv Incr If mPctRapidOvRide < 100 then adds 5 to mPctRapidOvRide RpdOv Zero Sets mPctRapidOvRide to 0 Jog - If in JOG:Cont, repeatedly sets hhtOutMdsiJog to 2 while button held. When released, sets hhtOutMdsiJog to 0 and axJogRate[0-9] to 0. If in JOG:Incr, then sends a command to the message application: 2, 3, 3, activeAxis (DIOM_SYSTEM, DIOS_JOG, minus direction, activeAxis) Aux 4 Sends a command to the message application: 3, 64 (DIOM_USER, 64) JogOv Incr If mPctJogOvRide < 100 then adds 5 to mPctJogOvRide JogOv Zero Sets mPctJogOvRide to 0 Jog Select Sets hhtActiveAxis, axJogRate[0-9] to 0. If (plcJogType = 0 or 5), and (mRunMode = 0) and (not DIOR_SYNC) and (dioEnergizeState = 1) then: When in JOG:Off, sends a command to the message application: 2,8,0 (DIOM_SYSTEM, SEQCALCRESET, job stream) and sets plcJogDist to 0. When in JOG:Cont, sends a command to the message application: 2,8,0 (DIOM_SYSTEM, SEQCALCRESET, job stream) When in JOG:Incr, sends a command to the message application: 2,8,0 (DIOM_SYSTEM, SEQCALCRESET, job stream) Jog Res When in JOG:Cont, sets hhtContJogRate to 10 When in JOG:Incr and rotary axis active, toggles plcJogAngle value When in JOG:Incr and linear metric axis active, toggles plcJogDist value in metric When in JOG:Incr and linear inch axis active, toggles plcJogDist value in inches SpnOv Incr If spPctOvRide < 100 then adds 5 to spPctOvRide SpnOv Decr If spPctOvRide > then subtracts 5 from spPctOvRide * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * USAGE IN THE ISAGRAF DIO APPLICATION: (NOTE: See the Maintenance Viewer Section for instructions on setting the COM Port) We have provided sample logic for the HHT continuous jog mode. When using the installation wizard, it is saved as c:\Program Files\1A-HHT62\dioHHT62.pia , as an Isagraf archive file. It includes the hhtJog SFC program, plus the following variables: hhtActiveAxis Integer Variable hhtContJogRate Integer Variable hhtKeyRepeatInt Integer Variable hhtKeyRepeatTmr Timer Variable hhtOutMdsiJog Integer Variable You will need to change your dio logic by: 1) Adding the hhtJog SFC to your logic as a child of the RESET SFC 2) Adding the Gstart(hhtJog) and Gkill(hhtJog) commands in your RESET SFC 3) Adding the above variables to your dictionary NOTE: All of the above changes can be cut & pasted from the dioHHT62.pia file that we have provided. OTHER POSSIBLE BUGS: (depending on the configuration of your logic when starting) ISAGRAF: You may have to add the OpenCNC integer plcJogType to the dictionary, if not already there. GEN SCREEN: If the following lines are not already present, then you will have to add them to your .gen screen under the jog button text. plcJogType, 5, " H H T", jogTypeText; GEN SCREEN: If you are using the old variable for feed override mPctFeedOvRide then you must replace it with the new name jsPctFeedOvRide[0]. You will need to review your logic to guarantee the safe operation of the machine. The HHT unit never sends a axJogRate[#] (other than a value of 0) to OpenCNC, but instead only sends changes to hhtOutMdsiJog and hhtActiveAxis and hhtContJogRate. Your Isagraf dio project must then command the machine to move ONLY WHEN IT IS SAFE TO DO SO. Your Isagraf dio project must also time out during continuous jogs if no concurrent jog commands are received from the HHT within 250ms(or less). This is an important safeguard in the event that the HHT is disconnected during a continuous jog. NOTE: Any active HHT jog mode will be immediately shut off if plcJogType is changed from 5 to any other value. Bear this in mind when other areas of the PLC need to shut off a jog mode. Just set plcJogType = 0. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * USAGE IN THE ISAGRAF MSG APPLICATION: For some applications, there are no changes REQUIRED in the message application. However, if you wish to use the Cycle Stop, Aux 1, Aux 2, Aux 3, or Aux 4 keys, then the following text can be cut & pasted near the bottom of the diomUSER ST program as a starting point: (* START OF 1A-HHT LOGIC *) 60: (* 1A-HHT Hand Held Terminal - CYCLE STOP key press *) If genCycleOn AND (NOT DIOR_SOFTSTOP) Then DIOR_SOFTSTOP := True; z := msgPutSt('INFO: Cycle Stop Requested by Operator on HHT'); End_if; 61: (* 1A-HHT Hand Held Terminal - Aux 1 key press *) z := msgPutSt('ERROR: Hand Held Terminal Aux 1 key is not used'); 62: (* 1A-HHT Hand Held Terminal - Aux 2 key press *) z := msgPutSt('ERROR: Hand Held Terminal Aux 2 key is not used'); 63: (* 1A-HHT Hand Held Terminal - Aux 3 key press *) z := msgPutSt('ERROR: Hand Held Terminal Aux 3 key is not used'); 64: (* 1A-HHT Hand Held Terminal - Aux 4 key press *) z := msgPutSt('ERROR: Hand Held Terminal Aux 4 key is not used'); (* END OF 1A-HHT LOGIC *) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Section 2 1A-HHT62 MAINTENANCE VIEWER The Maintenance viewer provides a way to setup the COM Port to be used by the hand held terminal and test the COM Port to make sure that the HHT is communicating properly with the PC. This should be done prior to trying to connect to OpenCNC. To open this program click on: Start button Programs 1A-HHT62 Hand Held Terminal 1A-HHT62 Maintenance Viewer The program screen below should come up on the screen. If this program is being run for the first time there may be some error messages that pop up in the screen. Just click Ok and the program should come up on the screen. Click on Com Port Port Setting to set up the serial port Select the Com Port you wish to use and click OK. Next click on Com Port again and then click on Open Port. This should connect to the 1A-HHT62 hardware. The red box that said Port Closed should now be green and say Port Open. The red box that said HHT Unit Not Connected should be green and say HHT Unit connected. If this does not happen check to see if the HHT is connected to the right serial port and all associated wiring Is correct. NOTE: If a new user is created in windows after the Com Port is selected and opened, this step will have to be repeated the first time the the Maintenance Viewer of OpenCNC is run. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Testing the 1A-HHT62 The Maintenance Viewer will also check that the HHT is communicating correctly. Pressing a key on the HHT will cause the Key to light up on the Maintenance Viewer screen. Clicking on one of the LED’s on the Maintenance Viewer HHT picture will cause the corresponding LED to light up on the HHT. Clicking on the Maintenance Viewer LCD display will let you type a line that will be echoed on the HHT. If OpenCNC is running the red OpenCNC Not Connected tab will turn green and say that it is connected to OpenCNC. This will only flash on the screen, and then the Maintenance Viewer will be hidden for normal operation. The Reset HHT button will cause the HHT to reset itself. The PC Beep On/Off tab will toggle a PC beep on and off, this will not work if the PC does not have a internal speaker. If it is on the PC will beep every time a key is pressed on the HHT. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Section 3 1A-HHT62 OPERATOR MANUAL The 1A-HHT62 consists of an LCD Screen for displaying Axis position for a selected Axis, Axis Jog Type and Jog Resolution and override settings. A Keypad for entering commands and an E-Stop Push Button. There are also five LED’s, four across the top and one in the Jog Select button to indicate that the corresponding functions are turned on. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Push Button Functions The keypad has 24 keys (or push buttons) and an Emergency Stop push button on top of the HHT. The E-Stop button will put the machine into an E-Stop condition if pressed. This button is a maintained push button & will need to be manually reset by turning the button if it is pressed. The HHT On/Off button toggles the HHT on and off. The HHT needs to be on to be used, the LED above this button will light up to indicate the HHT is turned on. The Option Stop button turns on the Option Stop function on the control, the LED above this button will light up indicating that the Option Stop function of the control is active. The Block Delete button turns the Block Delete function on the control, the LED above this button will light up indicating that the Block Delete function of the control is active. The EndBlk Stop button turns the End of Block Stop (or Single Block Stop) function on the control, the LED above this button will light up indicating that the End of Block Stop function of the control is active. The Cycle Start button sends a Cycle Start command to the control. The Cycle Stop button sends a Cycle Stop command to the control. The Feed Hold button sends a feed hold command to the control placing the machine in feed hold. The FRO Incr button increments the feed rate override in the positive direction 5% at a time. The FRO Zero button sets the feed rate override to zero. The RpdOv Incr button increments the rapid override in the positive direction 5% at a time. The RpdOv Zero button sets the rapid override to zero. The JogOv Incr button increments the jog override in the positive direction 5% at a time. The JogOv Zero button sets the jog rate override to zero. The SpnOv Incr button increments the spindle speed override in the positive direction 5% at a time. The SpnOv Decr button decrements the spindle speed override in the negative direction 5% at a time. The Axis Select button selects the axis to jog, this is also the axis that will have its position displayed on the LCD display. Pressing this button repeatedly will toggle through all of the machines axes. The Jog Select button selects the axis jog type. This will either be Off, Continuous Jog or Incremental Jog. Pressing this button repeatedly will toggle through all of the jog functions. If either Continuous Jog or Incremental Jog are selected the LED in the upper right corner of the button will light up to indicate that a jog function is active. The Jog Res button selects the jog resolution. If continuous jog is selected the jog resolutions will be Low, Medium and High. If incremental jog is selected it will toggle through the English increments if the machine is in English mode, Metric increments if the machine is in Metric mode or degrees if the selected axis is a rotary axis The Plus (+) button will move the selected axis in the positive direction, if continuous jog is selected it will move the selected axis as long as the button is pressed. If incremental jog is selected it will move the selected axis in the positive direction one increment every time button is pushed. The Minus (-) button will move the selected axis in the negative direction, if continuous jog is selected it will move the selected axis as long as the button is pressed. If incremental jog is selected it will move the selected axis in the negative direction one increment every time button is pushed. There are also four auxiliary buttons Aux 1, Aux 2, Aux 3 and Aux 4, the machine integrator programs these buttons and have no standard function. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Functions The LCD will display the selected axis and its position in Part Coordinates, Axis Jog Type and Resolution or if E-Stop is active, and the settings for feed rate override, rapid override, jog override and spindle speed override.